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If you enjoy trying new things, being in and on the water and expanding your yoga knowledge, you will love this unique outdoor experience.


Many times we hurry to get from one pose to the next and forget to pay attention. Yoga on a stand up paddle board forces you to slow down your pace and gain more focus on your practice. Paying attention to every breath and body movement, with every placement considered to keep balanced.

If you like your yoga hot, practising outdoors in the summer heat will create the same body heat. However, instead of leaving pools of sweat on your mat, you can cool down with an unlimited supply of water just beneath you!


SUP Yoga gives you no choice but to “be here now”, practising yoga on your floating yoga mat is as present as you can be. You can experience a different practice every time you go out on a stand up paddle board, because the wind and water conditions are always changing. Everyone could use a change of scenery every now and then, and what better way to get that than in combination with your love of yoga?


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